Music Blog #1

Just a short note to beg anyone withing the reach of my (electronic) voice to check out this album :

Belle and Sebastian - The Life Pursuit

I'd seen their name around a few times ...but hadn't heard their music until i picked up this CD in a thrift store for $3. Its a special edition that includes a DVD but i...
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frown Oh, and I didn't even mention the worst.....!

We never have anyone over because our friends and family are so far
So when we do, I get excited because I love to entertain and spend time with people I love here, I'm proud of my nice neat little place
I love my bf, so I in term try to treat his family like family, since we have been together over 2 years now and have been friends a year before that.
It's his family so I try to be as polite and nice as I can. I hate for them to think badly of me. Isn't that weak? But we aren't that way. Not only me, but my bf. God, while they were here, they took advantage of us in so many ways. It makes me incredibly sad, because I love his sister but this was just awful.

Well, like I said, I really do love having guests to talk to, cook for, have fun with......*sigh* That's why I am in couch surfers. I love having friends in the house.
Dude, I miss Toronto insanely....and I didn't even live there. The conventions were always awesome.
The squirrel blog.

congradulations. if you're reading this, you've just happened upon the most useless blog ever written.
But you cant stop now - so soldier on champ.

Many of you may think i have a thing for bunnies for some odd reason .. but i dont.
I have a thing for squirrels. I think they are the coolest little animals ever.
Years ago a...
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not pathetic at all !! I am actually kinda jealous...as a kid I always wanted to coax squirrels into being lettingme touch them...of course they would have none of that, haha. is this the right time to bring up that my step-dad always tells us he had pickled squirrel as a kid all the time? eeeeeeew!!
Not a useless blog at all... and squirrels are cool smile

Never seen a dark one like that around here, they are pretty much all the same light color.
The 'Oh Well" blog

So last Thursday I get an email near the end of the day that took me by suprise - to say the least.
The editor of Fangoria magazine asked me if i could go to Budapest Hungary next week
(which would have been today) to interview Anthony Hopkins on the set of The Rite - his new flick.

I emailed him...
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Thank you! I did so well that the photographer wants to go into a business venture with me and promises to drop my name to his fellow shutterbugs. wink I am SO proud!! Hopefully I'll be able to share some of those soon. smile
Chalk up another thing we have in common. Jesus, this is getting somewhat eerie. shocked
The SG and Me Blog

This is me, on why I'm here.

it all started a couple of years ago when a very good friend of mine told me she was thinking of submitting a set of pics to SG. I think i knew what it was but i'd never considered being a member.
This friend of mine is the daughter of a girl i...
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Amen & hallelujah! I'm glad you're here, & thanks for putting this more eloquently than I ever could.
always!!!! and thank u
When the Cat's Away, the Blog Will Play :

thats right, my wife and son have left - for a week .... and daddy's ready to party.
allow me to share with you - the mad dealings of a middle aged wildman foolishly left on his own for an entire week.. just dont tell my wife - it could end up in a messy divorce....
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Dude... you wild man.... I cannot believe you did those things... please tell me you sent this in to Penthouse forum...?... I do not know if I could do that with the wife and kids away. No, in fact, I know I could not do that... as I do not like horror movies... and YOU SPENT MONEY, with your wife not knowing,,,wild man
Thank you honey! It's a little sneak peek of my new set we submitted today! biggrin
The : "I'm Back Baby" blog

well, as you can tell from the very words you are reading - i'm alive. I made it.
(unless of course i made arrangements for someone to come in here and make this post after i died - but that wouldnt make sense because i would have told them to call this the "oops, i'm fucking dead and now...
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glad to have seen you last night! I cannot WAIT to see the pics...do you wanna send them to me here or on Facebook?
i am giddy!!!!
This is the I'm Nervous So I'm Doing Something To Take My Mind Off Of It But All I'll Be Doing Is Talking About It So How The Hell Does That Make Sense blog.

I only have one irrational fear. I think it's ok to fear being shot while in a gunfight, burned while inside a building on fire, or eaten by alligators when nuts...
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Great Blog brother. I like the way you write. I can't say why, but things like "nuts deep in a florida swamp with live kittens stapled to your chest," just speaks to me.

I wish I had some advice on the Acrophobia, but alas, I've got nada. Your ordeal sounds painfully familiar, as an almost identical circumstance happened with a group of us while in Alaska for a summer. Fortunately, it wasn't me, but one of my friends, who got stuck. (My "irrational" fear deals with suspension bridges . . . but there is some rationality with this, as other motorists are often busy fucking off & enjoying the views and not looking at the road, in any event, I hates em, but I digress.)

Have a great time at the convention. Seattle is a great city, and it sounds like you'll be totally in your element (once you arrive). You could always go the tried and true route of heavy drinking, both before and during the flight, but I'd hate to think that I've encouraged you to behave in such a deplorable manner. Maybe a doctor could prescribe some anti-anxiety meds just for the flight? Good luck, & keep writing!
I admit I have a fear of heights. It still didn't stop me from rock climbing, bungee jumping and zip lining through the trees of Mexico.
Presently, I am looking for a jump higher than 130 feet. I am trying to work my way up to skydiving. eeek
A VolleyBlog

StCyr recently asked for an update on the tournament the weekend past. Did we kick ass ? Not really. We were on the receiving end of the ass kicking.

Here's the deal.. I play with friends i've been playing with for years. Most of us are in our 40's and we find ourselves playing young punks all the time. They're tall, strong,...
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how exciting! smile I think it's good to work through it for something you love smile

Thanks for pointing me out in the hopefuls group smile I'm not a popular choice but my heart swells with pride when someone does happen to mention me. smile
fortunately, the spawn shows no interest in cheerleading, unfortunately, her disinterest applies equally to football frown

Yeah, it sucks when they are gone. I've found I'm perfectly comfortable traveling by myself, but being the one left home is a bucket of boredom. Good luck with it!
there seems to be a little bit of pressure at SG to blog. Some groups you cant join unless you have blogs, or comment on blogs.

Thing is - i'm sort of private, and fairly dull. I don't have a lot of ups and downs in my life - it's pretty stable and unremarkable. Married guy, one kid. I'm home all the time except when...
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Do people want to hear me rant about how drivers dont signal ? cant see why they would

believe it or not... yes they do... and we don't know why, either but we do.

eeek I hate the centipedes, for sure, but I've never had anything that traumatic happen. Let's hear how you kicked some ass in the volleyball tourney.