Viva El DeLuxo
Working on the layout to a new book-
I've been scanning loads of film negatives into my computer and realized that I had a pretty good series of photos that I have taken on my many adventures to Mexico.
I've decided to start laying out a design for a book that I hope to have finished by the end of the year.
Here are a few sample pages that I have laid out..
I need feedback!
Would a coffee table book like this interest you?
Cheers-Dave DeLuxe

and a
for the lovely riese
Working on the layout to a new book-
I've been scanning loads of film negatives into my computer and realized that I had a pretty good series of photos that I have taken on my many adventures to Mexico.
I've decided to start laying out a design for a book that I hope to have finished by the end of the year.
Here are a few sample pages that I have laid out..
I need feedback!
Would a coffee table book like this interest you?
Cheers-Dave DeLuxe

Oh and great site.