I haven't done this in a while... here goes...
So I just turned 22 a few weeks ago and I'm finally for sure moving out of the house in a week or so.
I can't wait! I will for the first time in seven years have my own room again. I'm moving into a condo with my cousin and his girlfriend. They're names are on the papers and I'm just gonna rent out one of the rooms.
Oh and I'm soo stoked about my own room! I'm gonna actually be able to have a little studio in my room like I've always wanted haha.
Moving on.. I'm going backpacking again in Yosemite. I'm going with my cousin, his brother, one of the girls from the last yosemite trip and she might bring someone idk.. Im excited though because were not gonna be in the valley at all this time. Were gonna start at Hetch Hetchy reservoir and go north to Lake Vernon and loop around to Tiltil Valley and back to Hetch Hetchy. I don't know if anyone knows where that is, but if you've ever been to Yosemite you've probably been to the valley. Hetch Hetchy reservoir is north east of the valley. I will definitely post pics of that when I return.
I feel like the luckiest guy in the whole fucking world. I got pulled over on the way home from playing soccer with my buddies. I was in my work truck and its not my normal truck. The cop walks up and asks for my License and Registration. She was kinda cute too
I told her the registration and whatnot was displayed on the windshield, but I couldn't find the insurance card! I thought I was in serious fucking shit trouble because not only was I high and missing the insurance card... I had the piece and weed in the truck. But thank God she didn't notice!! She told me the back light was out and I need to watch my speed and to get the insurance card... and I was free to go.
no ticket. I felt like I handled that like a boss. I was totally calm and polite the whole time.
And to make it even more interesting... Not more than a week ago three of my friends and I were blazing in a neighborhood near their's and someone called the cops on us. We were about 3/4's of the way through hot-boxing a fat blunt when they turned on the spot light behind us. We had just picked up from the clinic (Thank God my friend has his license) so we had like 8 grams of weed, two grams of keif and a gram of hash, two pieces, the blunt roach and I feel like they're was something else but I can't remember. But long story short.. they let us go on the condition that my friend that we couldn't drive because we were high. And the intense part.....
So I just turned 22 a few weeks ago and I'm finally for sure moving out of the house in a week or so.
I can't wait! I will for the first time in seven years have my own room again. I'm moving into a condo with my cousin and his girlfriend. They're names are on the papers and I'm just gonna rent out one of the rooms.
Oh and I'm soo stoked about my own room! I'm gonna actually be able to have a little studio in my room like I've always wanted haha.
Moving on.. I'm going backpacking again in Yosemite. I'm going with my cousin, his brother, one of the girls from the last yosemite trip and she might bring someone idk.. Im excited though because were not gonna be in the valley at all this time. Were gonna start at Hetch Hetchy reservoir and go north to Lake Vernon and loop around to Tiltil Valley and back to Hetch Hetchy. I don't know if anyone knows where that is, but if you've ever been to Yosemite you've probably been to the valley. Hetch Hetchy reservoir is north east of the valley. I will definitely post pics of that when I return.

And to make it even more interesting... Not more than a week ago three of my friends and I were blazing in a neighborhood near their's and someone called the cops on us. We were about 3/4's of the way through hot-boxing a fat blunt when they turned on the spot light behind us. We had just picked up from the clinic (Thank God my friend has his license) so we had like 8 grams of weed, two grams of keif and a gram of hash, two pieces, the blunt roach and I feel like they're was something else but I can't remember. But long story short.. they let us go on the condition that my friend that we couldn't drive because we were high. And the intense part.....
So thats pretty much whats goin on in my life right now.....
I will leave you with some pics... the ones of me are probably not very recent though..
Me and stuff...
Wow soo I tired putting good pictures of yosemite but I obviously failed... I'm done trying to edit it right. It is what it is