Hello SG patrons
Its been awhile since my last update, and the fact that Im stoned off my ass seemed to make now the perfect time.
My dad is away in Chicago for business, so I was actually able to smoke at home!!! My buddy got a medical card so I got some clinical weed. Its called Alien Crack Weed, I don't really know much about it besides the name, but moving on... I attempted rolling a blunt for the first time tonight and failed miserably. I really thought it was gonna be easy.. I thought wrong.
So I decided to use my bong. I pulled a little piece of the last nug and put that in the bottom and then sprinkled the broken up stuff from the failed blunt. I then realized I packed wayyy too much for myself haha. So I took like 4 rips and I was done, I mean DONE. I wraped up the bowl piece for later and put that shit away.
I came out to watch some tv and chill, and sit on my computer as always. Pulled up SG and the first thing I see is this:

I literally almost came myself. And not just for the entire hotness of the piece, but the quality of the art as well. I was completely overwhelmed with emotion, it was amazing. I can't get over how well CameronStewart did this.
Any ways.... I also learned who the photographer for all these amazing sets is.
Alissa Brunelli
I looked through her portfolio and realized she has shot everyone of my favorite sets that I could think off. This woman is an amazing photographer.
Day two:
My mom is probably in the loop around at LAX getting my dad. Of course I took the change to hit the bong. And of course I'm really stoned right now. Thank God for eye drops. Haha speaking of eye drops, I was trying to see if my eyes were clear, but I didn't want to get up. So what do I do? Use photo booth!!

This is what happens when a stoner has a laptop.
Its been awhile since my last update, and the fact that Im stoned off my ass seemed to make now the perfect time.
My dad is away in Chicago for business, so I was actually able to smoke at home!!! My buddy got a medical card so I got some clinical weed. Its called Alien Crack Weed, I don't really know much about it besides the name, but moving on... I attempted rolling a blunt for the first time tonight and failed miserably. I really thought it was gonna be easy.. I thought wrong.

I came out to watch some tv and chill, and sit on my computer as always. Pulled up SG and the first thing I see is this:

I literally almost came myself. And not just for the entire hotness of the piece, but the quality of the art as well. I was completely overwhelmed with emotion, it was amazing. I can't get over how well CameronStewart did this.
Any ways.... I also learned who the photographer for all these amazing sets is.
Alissa Brunelli
I looked through her portfolio and realized she has shot everyone of my favorite sets that I could think off. This woman is an amazing photographer.
Day two:
My mom is probably in the loop around at LAX getting my dad. Of course I took the change to hit the bong. And of course I'm really stoned right now. Thank God for eye drops. Haha speaking of eye drops, I was trying to see if my eyes were clear, but I didn't want to get up. So what do I do? Use photo booth!!

This is what happens when a stoner has a laptop.