So this morning was kinda interesting. I got up at 7 just like I normally do every day during the week to take my little bro to summer camp. I got home and chilled a while and then I went to take a shower and actually get up and dressed and whatnot. So I got in the shower and it was a normal shower just like every day, but the weird part is when I got out and started to dry myself off. I dried my hair and when I started to dry off my chest and shoulders, all the skin was like rolling into these little skin ball things. kinda like when you get sunburnt and you rub the dead skin away. But I'm not sunburnt. Thats the weird part. It's never happened to me before and quite honestly it was a little gross. So I had to get back in the shower and scrub the crap out of my chest and shoulders to get rid off the dead skin. So needless to say I had a bit of a weird morning.
Has this ever happened to any of you or anyone you know?
Has this ever happened to any of you or anyone you know?