OK so have done full update of my website and have reopened and updated my Purple Port profile too. I really want to get myself out there and photograph more people. I'd really be honoured to work the SG community on any collaborative project. Thank you. X

If you ever come to Manchester it'd be cool to do a set :)

So I've bit the bullet and put some of my digital art up on Etsy. It's very simple pieces similar to what I've shared here, I'm hoping it will lead to more things in the future. For now have a look at the link above and let me know what you think of everything you see.

Ok so a little update from previous blog...
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my mind feels like it's a million pieces at the moment. A very dear friend of mind whom I never seen enough has come back into my life and stirred up all the old feeling I had/have for her. I have never felt more confused. It doesn't help that my currently relationship seems to have stalled. With my prospects of moving out later this month...
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Hard predicament to be in! Been there before! I hope you come out of it with all the best things at heart! 
I'm hoping that it's just a blip and that things will settle back to some form of normality before too long. Thank you for your support. 

I know there are many of you whom frequent this site that have iPads of varying sizes, and I know many of you for obvious reasons are artistic I your own way.

So with that in mind have you ever heard of Paper by FiftyThree? It an amazing art app that has enabled me to discover a passion and a talent I didn't know I...
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Cool!!! ❤️

My name is Dave W Buxton I am a photographer building my portfolio. I'm looking to work with any whom which to begin or increase their own portfolio of images. Whether you are a Hopeful or Pink SG and are based in the South West of the UK please contact me. If you like to see so of my work please go to http://dwbuxton.com

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So next week i turn the magicla number 29! To say that I'm unhappy would be an understament - I'm bricking it.

I guess I've got this idea in my brain that there certain things that should happen before youre 30 and i've not done any of them. But more importantly if i make 30 my finish line and say that the next year is...
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Good evening, had a great idea for a SG set but with so many talented and visual photographers here i'm certain its already been done.

the shoot is called Going Out. Our SG begins the shoot naked! However a level of focal blur is used to hide the "important" elements until the right time within the set. I think the SG is perhaps getting...
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Just wanted to give everyone and update on me and work as a whole.

Ok let's go back - one I have a full time job which is just a job to me. I had a a hobby and interest of photography. I made a decision to explore photography in a more professional manor. I have no qualifications and certainly do not consider myself to...
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Good luck dude. I am promoting following dreams at the moment.
Thank You KirstyClare fingers crossed that you'll be one of those additions. x