Kinda feels like Xmas Eve as a child. Nervous and excited. Some apprehension as well. Meet my peers, those I admire, respect & hold so highly. Even more so as I am a stranger but don't feel like one. I know you in a very intimate way. This all so confusingly wonderful. Its these feels I crave so much.

Yes you heard me HUGENESS! I reserve this word for the rarest of moments. When you see you know something huge is about to happen!

I'm coming to London! This Friday & Saturday I will be in and around the awesome madness that is London! I love it there but I love it even more when awesome stuff is going down and it is!

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Excited to make 'beautiful photographical magic'!

Well shit it looks like i'm coming to the Blackheart Burlesque show on January 10th! Cant wait to see the show and hopefully meet many of you gorgeous people!


It's rare that I speak my mind but I just want to get something off my chest.

You see, I had the opportunity to speak with a dear friend today. They confided in me about their current ups and downs. I'm not here to share their details but I am here to discuss one elements; men.

You see it's become obvious to me that the...
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You know when you have one of those weeks that when you think back on whats happened and what you did, you cant help but smile and think somebody Pinch Me!

So those of you who know me or have followed me long enough to know that I dream of being a photographer. This is something i've been trying to achieve for nearly 4 years...
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July 19th

Last night I planned out the next few days of my trip. I had originally intended to go to Innsbruck however I had limited choice with accommodation and cost, looked into Prague but discovered a constant element of theft in the comments for the hostels I looked at. So after I next looked Berlin - found an awesome looking hostel with big rooms...
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I love the mornings. Not every morning but mornings that are just for me.

I’m sat in the reception area which doubles as the bar and lounge. The breakfast table is set up and ready. Our hostel host is asleep on the side across from me I believe she was watching Dr Who in French! Amazing!

The rest of the world seems to be...
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July 14th

And so we begin, I'm currently sat in the departure lounge with a large latte and strangers for company. Relatively easy up until now. The problems I was expecting at security were non existent, and I was able to breeze through at a good pace.

I'm always fascinated by the things you see in the airport. People arriving in clothes not suitable for...
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Yes, I think I am ready for the off!

OK so big fat update for you all. On April 15th I was involved in a motorbike accident. I injured my left foot causing tendon & ligament damage. I was basically immobile for the next 6 weeks.

In that time a lot of personal issues came to the surface. Most noticibly my relationship - my gf...
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