📏height: 5'9"
⏳age: 32 years
👀 eye color: green
♒️ sign: Cancer
💁 hair color: Alburn
🎲 favorite thing: My sense of humour
🎨 favorite color: Black
🍝 food: Italian
⏰ favorite time of day: 8am with no alarm
🌙 day or night? Day
📅 favorite holiday: Christmas
☺ emoji favorito: 😏
🎮 favorite game: Half-life
⏩ hobby: davebuxton.com
🚫 vice: caffeine/masturbation
🌍 country: England
👅Language : English
👤 socialize or being alone?: mostly alone but socialize with those that know me.
🎸favorite band: KoRn (94-01)
🎤 favorite singer: George Michael
🎼 a song: Careless Whisper - George Michael
💃🏻 stay at home or hang out: Home
📺 favorite series: Band of Brother (loving Westworld right now!)
🙊 favorite anime: Does Pokemon count?
🙏 religion: atheist
Most of things don't really explain me but it's a good start!