It's rare that I speak my mind but I just want to get something off my chest.
You see, I had the opportunity to speak with a dear friend today. They confided in me about their current ups and downs. I'm not here to share their details but I am here to discuss one elements; men.
You see it's become obvious to me that the term gentleman is dead. I couldn't tell you went it died but let me assure it is most definitely deceased, I'll explain.
It seems that today in order to be regarded as any kind of male be it boy, teen, bloke, lad or other, you must be a complete and utter dick. I mean this in every possible descriptive way imaginable.
The days of being a gentleman and this being regarded as the correct and wanted way to behave have departed. Now a days being a prick and treating women as though they are less than human is the way forward. This is how you get noticed, how you are recognised and apparently it makes you more attractive as well?
I am sickened.
You see I believe in taste, in quality. Please and thank you, yes sir and madam. I dress appropriately. I am polite. I listen. I ask questions. I am able hold a conversation about subjects of religion and politics, science and taste. I know what words like transcendent & delinquent mean. I know what wine compliments the food being served. I have a firm understanding of psychology and have skills that I use to better myself.
Yet I am the minority?
I am passed aside and seen as less than those around me. Those who jump from one sexual accomplishment to another.
Surely there is still a place in the world for common respect.
Have we forgotten how to woo a lady?
To be romantic?
To pull out a chair before she sits?
To ask for a dance?
To kiss her on the hand and say goodnight?
Yes these things are somewhat old fashioned and where as some may not be suitable for today they existed for a reason.
So now I am more confused than when I began this rant. Am I at fault.
Is it I who should give up on my up bringing?
Or am I remember the world through rose tinted glasses?
I fear that we can't go back, so instead I urge us to speed through this time as quickly as possible and look forward to telling our children about how stupid we all were.