So I've bit the bullet and put some of my digital art up on Etsy. It's very simple pieces similar to what I've shared here, I'm hoping it will lead to more things in the future. For now have a look at the link above and let me know what you think of everything you see.
Ok so a little update from previous blog - for those that haven't had a chance to read I've been battling some confusing feeling recently towards an old friend that as renters my life. Now this is not something new and my experience with these feeling in the past is just time and distance. If I was to see my friend every day then I'd probably of jumped of the high board by now. The truth is that negativity can spread and become an absorbing mass that devours you. If you seek negativity you will find it. So instead I won't look for it, I shall remain positive and look to my next adventure. If things are meant to be a certain way then they will go that way in time.
Thank you for reading and any comments are welcome.