ok, what a bizare weekend i had. i kept bumping into people.
there are so many people i have not seen for so long and they all showed up again in my life over the space of 2 days.
i had to spend some time in the town center over the weekend which i usulay try to avoid but i needed to do some shopping and could not be arsed to go elsewere.
town was as usual full of clones, chavs in tracksuits and emo kids in t shirts of old rock bands they have never listened to.
i dont know who is worse, the chaves for being uneducated louts or the emo kids who just look like each other. i mean, at least the chavs are not FAKE!
i dont understand, maybe im getting old, but they say there individual yet they all just look exactly the same.
any way back t the point of this.
ah, there was no point. it was just nice seeing some old faves again, ive become some what of a recluse over the past couple of years. i suppose its got alot to do with my solo music and art intrests and fucking MMORG's.
i think i sould start getting out more.
yea and to top it all off my friend (gabba legend) Hip.P called me up. i was like shit!!! i had not heard from him for like 2 years. it was good and we are gonna work on some tunes next time hes up in the area and now that i have finished my ambient industrial ep with the fabulus aLiSSom.
anyway thats enogh from me. know the only person that will ever read this is klair so i may have well as just @mailed her.
which reminds me... PM me ur @mail address or ill prank call you at 4am.
ps, i have a my space thing now and its uber gay. i hate it and im so cool i have 1 friend on it
there are so many people i have not seen for so long and they all showed up again in my life over the space of 2 days.
i had to spend some time in the town center over the weekend which i usulay try to avoid but i needed to do some shopping and could not be arsed to go elsewere.
town was as usual full of clones, chavs in tracksuits and emo kids in t shirts of old rock bands they have never listened to.
i dont know who is worse, the chaves for being uneducated louts or the emo kids who just look like each other. i mean, at least the chavs are not FAKE!
i dont understand, maybe im getting old, but they say there individual yet they all just look exactly the same.
any way back t the point of this.
ah, there was no point. it was just nice seeing some old faves again, ive become some what of a recluse over the past couple of years. i suppose its got alot to do with my solo music and art intrests and fucking MMORG's.
i think i sould start getting out more.
yea and to top it all off my friend (gabba legend) Hip.P called me up. i was like shit!!! i had not heard from him for like 2 years. it was good and we are gonna work on some tunes next time hes up in the area and now that i have finished my ambient industrial ep with the fabulus aLiSSom.
anyway thats enogh from me. know the only person that will ever read this is klair so i may have well as just @mailed her.
which reminds me... PM me ur @mail address or ill prank call you at 4am.
ps, i have a my space thing now and its uber gay. i hate it and im so cool i have 1 friend on it

....o shit, you have got it haven't you? pm on the way...
alright you, you still around?