So this last year sucked for my work - this year needs to be better or I'll be moving out into a cardboard box
. Well, not quite, but you get the picture. I've been trying to get my head round marketing today, which I'm totally useless at! I've been running my business (as a software designer/developer) for over a decade but I've always got...
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So I've been holed away arranging music for a new computer game being developed by the awesome Puppy Games! They make retro-esque arcade games, which are really cool - so go check them out at It's been interesting - kinda like doing a film score. The graphics designer guy made a little video...
... gotta love it
On other planetary news, SunnyBee and...
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... gotta love it

On other planetary news, SunnyBee and...
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Hey hey hey! Hows it going?? Long time no speak like! This yer HAS to be good, gonna get back into climbing too
This two job busness really does put a hold on hobbies and such like! Did you have a good chroistmas and what not?? xx

Me playing about in the studio doing an acoustic version of one of my tracks.... enjoy!
Leaking roof gonna get it sorted? I hate stuff like that, esp in winter. God Damn! x
thanks so much for love, support and comment on my set Fetish Geisha

Ok, guys'n'gals, I need some help... I'm busily sorting out stuff related to my recent album release and I'm getting stuck on the number one question that I get asked - who am I like? What other bands/artists is my music similar to? I think I'm just too close to see. I know what I like and what kinds of people have influenced me -...
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At last indeed!

Aw, thanks babe. =]
Ok, so both Marikee and Soya have pestered me to do another blog - I know, I know, it's been ages - but read on and see what I have to deal with....
In this wonderful age of internet wizardry it's great that we can all be creative and communicative, but it's also shit 'cos once you're pulled into the myriad of social networking sites...
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In this wonderful age of internet wizardry it's great that we can all be creative and communicative, but it's also shit 'cos once you're pulled into the myriad of social networking sites...
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So, it's all go now. I've been holed away in the studio for what seems like an eternity and *finally* I have some stuff which I'm willing to make public. I don't suppose it'll ever be good enough for ME - I'm far too self-denigrating for that! But anyway, I'm working on a MySpace page today, so hopefully by this evening there'll be a shiny...
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aaargh! just when I get a *whole* day to myself in my studio, I start suffering from a nasty case of writer's block. Not fair!!
I just can't seem to get my head into gear. It's bad enough having so little time - but when the time I do have is spent staring into space and not getting any inspiration, it's just rubbing salt into...
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having spent the vast majority of my life being plagued by a stupid inferiority complex (which, thankfully, I'm totally getting over) it's utterly inspiring to be involved - in some small way - in a place where real people get down to appreciating their own qualities and beauty. thank you suicide girls <kiss>
...and there's even a...
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and welcome to SG!