The strange thing is that contrary to what one would expect the only girls who drop out of the blue and message me on freindster and myspace really do seem to be hot, or at least cute, and interested in me...
But I just don't get the point of flirting with people over the internet who live in other states.
really, these days, I don't get the point of flirting with anyone at all who isn't already drunk and looking to go home with someone.
I just don't have the money or time to date anyone.
...61 days to go....
But I just don't get the point of flirting with people over the internet who live in other states.
really, these days, I don't get the point of flirting with anyone at all who isn't already drunk and looking to go home with someone.
I just don't have the money or time to date anyone.
...61 days to go....
Carmichael...Mission Ave just off Marconi. Lived there until I was 17 and headed off to school.
Small world. I'm off-line for a bit ( need to get some dinner ) but nice talking with ya. If you see anything on SGSF come up about my re-admission, put in a good word.