naaa....there's only about 8 of us here man. My primary MOS is 2171 electrical optical ordinance repair....blah! Its just fixing the optic's on TOW's and javalins and NVG's stuff like that. Its a technical fix stuff kind of MOS which isn't really my style and was boring the hell out of me. (i didn't choose it. So let that be a lesson to yah don't smoke weed the night before boot camp and then be dumb enough to tell them about it once you get there cause then they make you an open contract and shove you into whatever MOS they need you the most for) Anyways after about a year in the fleet i applied for the Marine Security Guard Program and got it. So thats my b billet right now. The job itself can be down right boring as hell (just guarding embassy's), especially if your in a country where nothing happens. But the perks are fucking awesome. I get all sorts of extra pay out the ass and i live in a big house near the beach and have a driver that we all share. But all the extra rules that this program has compared to the fleet can be a serious bitch to. ie... we have a 0300 curfew here, no girls in the rooms even though im a sergeant...ouch! In the end, i've definately had alot of fun my past 5 years in but i really wish i had of kept my mouth shut at the moment of truth and kept my contract for forward observer and the 5 g's they were going to give me for going through the school...
what are you going to go in as?
that sounds like a pretty good MOS but yes I've heard the DLAB is a fairly hard test. Good luck with that, I'm sure if you did good on the ASVAB you'll be alright, but if you don't get it then yes combat correspondence would be a kick ass MOS to get. My high school buddy joined the Marines 3 months after i did and he originally got air traffic controller, which ended up not being his thing so he got to switch to combat correspondent. He loves it. But he's always loved writing. He was editor for our high school paper.
what are you going to go in as?