sunday sunday, what shall I do with you? read more? see movies? clean my room? I just don't know...
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Tuesday Mar 16, 2004
hot. time for lunch. Subway I think. -
Sunday Mar 14, 2004
muscles so sore. can't move. back to bed. -------- In other… -
Saturday Mar 13, 2004
I figure my body's gonna hate me in the morning no matter what, right… -
Wednesday Mar 03, 2004
You think you got the inch to get up in my ginch? -
Tuesday Mar 02, 2004
At least I'm not this guy: [thanks to shera and her stic… -
Sunday Feb 29, 2004
sunshine. -
Friday Feb 27, 2004
First of all: Sarah is the best. She is a rad dancer and super fun…
if you want to know what boot camp is like, watch the first part ofFull Metal Jacket. seriously, they used a real drill instructor and every marine i've ever known said boot camp is just like that. my best friend growing up's Dad was a drill instructor and he was a lot like that movie (except he didn't threaten to pull out my eyes and skull-fuck me)
anyway, there's good benefits and they take care of you, but then again, the way the world is working, you'll probably end up in a foreign country. also, you move around ALOT! they pay isn't really that great, and my dad was pretty happy to be out of it when he retired. but to each their own i suppose. i could go on for a few more paragraphs, so i'll just stop here. if you have any more questions, i'd be happy to answer them.
that'll be fun.