sunday sunday, what shall I do with you? read more? see movies? clean my room? I just don't know...
More Blogs
Tuesday Jul 05, 2005
I ain't doing shit. but that's ok. -
Monday May 23, 2005
actually all I want right now is a goddamn vacuum. -
Sunday Feb 13, 2005
Being on the internet is not getting my homework done. -
Tuesday Feb 08, 2005
I'm starting to see why so many people don't graduate from here. A… -
Wednesday Feb 02, 2005
Right now the only thing that matters is: Bloc Party "Banquet". … -
Wednesday Jan 26, 2005
rain. school. poverty, etc etc. -
Tuesday Jan 25, 2005
I just think there's something a little wierd about blasting Bright E… -
Monday Jan 17, 2005… -
Sunday Dec 19, 2004
girlfriend gone. most of my friends gone. all alone in the big empt… -
Wednesday Dec 08, 2004
Sick. hack hack cough cough die.
if you want to know what boot camp is like, watch the first part ofFull Metal Jacket. seriously, they used a real drill instructor and every marine i've ever known said boot camp is just like that. my best friend growing up's Dad was a drill instructor and he was a lot like that movie (except he didn't threaten to pull out my eyes and skull-fuck me)
anyway, there's good benefits and they take care of you, but then again, the way the world is working, you'll probably end up in a foreign country. also, you move around ALOT! they pay isn't really that great, and my dad was pretty happy to be out of it when he retired. but to each their own i suppose. i could go on for a few more paragraphs, so i'll just stop here. if you have any more questions, i'd be happy to answer them.
that'll be fun.