sunday sunday, what shall I do with you? read more? see movies? clean my room? I just don't know...
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Monday May 05, 2008
today I got a thing. and insulted a UPS man. and saw a girl cry… -
Sunday May 04, 2008
I think Thomas Friedman just endorsed Obama. For reasons i don't fee… -
Saturday May 03, 2008
Way to go, Guam! -
Friday Apr 18, 2008
you know what's retarded? suicide watches. "yeah, so uhm the co… -
Friday Apr 18, 2008
time to get back to work. -
Thursday Apr 17, 2008
no fucking way We might get to use iPods on our PFT* tomorr… -
Saturday Apr 12, 2008
I am back in the town where my parents live. Mountains and trees a… -
Monday Apr 07, 2008
so I was reading this in the NY Times just now.... It was yet an… -
Tuesday Apr 01, 2008
I like Portland. I might move to Baltimore when I get out. I am… -
Sunday Mar 30, 2008
I don't know if anybody reads this anymore. but I hope you guys ar…
if you want to know what boot camp is like, watch the first part ofFull Metal Jacket. seriously, they used a real drill instructor and every marine i've ever known said boot camp is just like that. my best friend growing up's Dad was a drill instructor and he was a lot like that movie (except he didn't threaten to pull out my eyes and skull-fuck me)
anyway, there's good benefits and they take care of you, but then again, the way the world is working, you'll probably end up in a foreign country. also, you move around ALOT! they pay isn't really that great, and my dad was pretty happy to be out of it when he retired. but to each their own i suppose. i could go on for a few more paragraphs, so i'll just stop here. if you have any more questions, i'd be happy to answer them.
that'll be fun.