As much as I want to get into the translation job in the Marines I think I might prefer working as a combat correspondent. A freind of mine who tried to get a job in the UN in translation pointed out to me that the problem with working as a translator is how you have to shut off your mind and become a processing machine. I realize that although most of the corps is all about become a sort of "machine" dedicated to the well-being of the corps, it seems to me that the working enviroment might be better as a reporter. I would have more options as far as where I was stationed (for example, if I learned Arabic I would probably be stuck in the Mid east for my entire enlistment). As a reporter I could be sent anywhere in the world where there are marines. It might suck being sent to alabama, but then again I might also end up in Europe or Hawaii. I could spend time seeing combat but without firing weapons. Also I imagine there would be more variety as far as my day to day activities. Obviously I would spend a lot of time writing, but I'd also get to move around more and talk to a lot more people. I've always been the type of person who likes to know whats going on. In intelligence (where I'd be working as a translator) and most other parts of the service, you are sort of limited to information regarding your job.
The correspondents are part of the Public Affairs department of marines. This means that a major part of their job is to make the corps look good to the public and to boost morale internally. I'm sure I'd have to deal with a ton of bullshit as far as censorship and stuff like that, but I think I'd rather be writing articles about Toys for Tots and "war heroes" than intercepting enemy broadcasts and plotting bomb targets.
And I think it would help with my education after I get out. After spending 4 years doing nothing but writing articles, writing a 4 page paper for school would be nothing.
Plus if I choose Combat Correspondent I leave a lot sooner. The translation slot isn't open till April. Combat Correspont is open next month. I want to get out of here as soon as possible. Also, Translation requires a five year commitment, whereas CC is only 4. Plus it also has a $4,000 bonus and I would get it much sooner than the bonus for translation (you don't get enlistment bonus till completion of job training--CC is less training by far.)
Anyways, I still really want to get into translation, but at the same time, Combat Correspondence might be the better way to go.
The correspondents are part of the Public Affairs department of marines. This means that a major part of their job is to make the corps look good to the public and to boost morale internally. I'm sure I'd have to deal with a ton of bullshit as far as censorship and stuff like that, but I think I'd rather be writing articles about Toys for Tots and "war heroes" than intercepting enemy broadcasts and plotting bomb targets.
And I think it would help with my education after I get out. After spending 4 years doing nothing but writing articles, writing a 4 page paper for school would be nothing.
Plus if I choose Combat Correspondent I leave a lot sooner. The translation slot isn't open till April. Combat Correspont is open next month. I want to get out of here as soon as possible. Also, Translation requires a five year commitment, whereas CC is only 4. Plus it also has a $4,000 bonus and I would get it much sooner than the bonus for translation (you don't get enlistment bonus till completion of job training--CC is less training by far.)
Anyways, I still really want to get into translation, but at the same time, Combat Correspondence might be the better way to go.
hey. you. 

what are you doing? where are you? i wanna see big fish.