Wednesday Dec 03, 2003 Dec 3, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email D A V E U N D R S C O R H VIEW 7 of 7 COMMENTS yonderboy: uh, you joining the Marines? I almost did that when I was 18, came really close, just had to sign my name... sometimes I wish I had. just sometimes though. Dec 4, 2003 scoots: hey mr UNDRSCORH just read your dec 2 journal and saw i may or may not have been in one of your dreams. I am honered to maybe, possibly be part of the famous dave_h's circle hope all is well guy Dec 4, 2003
I almost did that when I was 18, came really close, just had to sign my name...
sometimes I wish I had. just sometimes though.
hope all is well guy