My goal tommorrow is to right all of you back that wrote in my last journal. sorry it's taken so long.
till then, various thoughts:
--I've decided to undertake a certain project. Still thinking it through. I think it's time. I'll need a lot of advice. I might ask a few of you for help.
--I ran into Holly today. She was having coffee at a coffee shop I go before work every day. She was in the neighborhood for her kitties health issues. Its sad about the cat. I'm not even an animal lover and it makes me sad.
She looks so awesome with her new haircut and tattoos.
--Had a good chat with Sadie the other day too. Work is so much funner when cute suicide girls are working just a hop skip and a jump away.
On a related note, I miss LE working near me. It was fun to visit her and smell soaps.
--I saw Mystic River tonight.
Believe the hype.
There's nothing new or cutting edge or mindblowing about it and yet it is a masterpiece just the same.
I'm not happy about the very ending however. Everything after Kevin's last phonecall should have been cut out.
If you saw the movie tell me what you think about what the wife says in the bedroom at the end and the parade scene. I felt like they undermined the movie and made me feel like justice was not acheived. It was the type of movie where you needed more closure than that.
--I also had a revelation about something; another project.
I'm so intrigued by a new possibility that I don't think I'll be able to sleep. I'm very excited.
--I like the kind of date where you go to a movie with a cute girl and there's no real pressure for anything to happen and you just sort of cuddle at the tense parts and maybe rest your hand on her leg and she holds your arm a little. And then you go your seperate ways and all you're left with is that sense of innocent intimacy. It's very different from the type of date where you have to make up conversation and/or get really drunk.
And no, there is no new love interest in my life. This is just the latest episode in a very long very slow simmering relationship. In a year and a half we've gone out maybe 7 times and I think we both prefer it like that. No need to rush things, right?
--Have you ever met someone and thought they were extremely shallow and vain and dumb and then suddenly one day see a glimpse of something more? I mean like you just immediately assume something about someone based on how they're dressed and maybe you misinterpreted some of their actions and then one day they do something that makes you think you had them all wrong?
That happened tonight.
(no it has nothing to do with the 'date' mentioned earlier)
--I have a lot of things on my mind these days. Money troubles always make you question yourself. What the fuck am I doing with my life? I don't know. I do know that for some reason I am very interested in life in general. I can stare at simple objects like clouds or this bottle of juice for long periods of time and think about them and just sitting there pondering the world around me gives me great pleasure.
No, I'm no stoned.
--I have a small bottle of wine. I think I might drink it. Also on the menu: Frosted Strawberry Pop-Tarts.
till then, various thoughts:
--I've decided to undertake a certain project. Still thinking it through. I think it's time. I'll need a lot of advice. I might ask a few of you for help.
--I ran into Holly today. She was having coffee at a coffee shop I go before work every day. She was in the neighborhood for her kitties health issues. Its sad about the cat. I'm not even an animal lover and it makes me sad.
She looks so awesome with her new haircut and tattoos.
--Had a good chat with Sadie the other day too. Work is so much funner when cute suicide girls are working just a hop skip and a jump away.
On a related note, I miss LE working near me. It was fun to visit her and smell soaps.
--I saw Mystic River tonight.
Believe the hype.
There's nothing new or cutting edge or mindblowing about it and yet it is a masterpiece just the same.
I'm not happy about the very ending however. Everything after Kevin's last phonecall should have been cut out.
If you saw the movie tell me what you think about what the wife says in the bedroom at the end and the parade scene. I felt like they undermined the movie and made me feel like justice was not acheived. It was the type of movie where you needed more closure than that.
--I also had a revelation about something; another project.
I'm so intrigued by a new possibility that I don't think I'll be able to sleep. I'm very excited.
--I like the kind of date where you go to a movie with a cute girl and there's no real pressure for anything to happen and you just sort of cuddle at the tense parts and maybe rest your hand on her leg and she holds your arm a little. And then you go your seperate ways and all you're left with is that sense of innocent intimacy. It's very different from the type of date where you have to make up conversation and/or get really drunk.
And no, there is no new love interest in my life. This is just the latest episode in a very long very slow simmering relationship. In a year and a half we've gone out maybe 7 times and I think we both prefer it like that. No need to rush things, right?
--Have you ever met someone and thought they were extremely shallow and vain and dumb and then suddenly one day see a glimpse of something more? I mean like you just immediately assume something about someone based on how they're dressed and maybe you misinterpreted some of their actions and then one day they do something that makes you think you had them all wrong?
That happened tonight.
(no it has nothing to do with the 'date' mentioned earlier)
--I have a lot of things on my mind these days. Money troubles always make you question yourself. What the fuck am I doing with my life? I don't know. I do know that for some reason I am very interested in life in general. I can stare at simple objects like clouds or this bottle of juice for long periods of time and think about them and just sitting there pondering the world around me gives me great pleasure.
No, I'm no stoned.
--I have a small bottle of wine. I think I might drink it. Also on the menu: Frosted Strawberry Pop-Tarts.
Oh come on. It's all out of Love for the H!
I got it. That line just brought back fond (or not-so-fond, depending on your perspetive) of that shining moment of Punt's genius.