I'm not one to throw my feelings out for everyone to see, but I can't help but profess the love I had for Chelsi, even though we never met in person. I met her years ago in chat, and I've always been fond of her. She has a big heart and was full of passion. I've never wanted to try someone's cupcakes more than Chelsi's. She was fun and easy to chat with, and I never heard her speak poorly of anyone. I'm truly devastated by the news of her passing, and I'm not sure it has even sunk in. I can't help but think of her family and close friends. Her death is a loss to us all, and the tears I shed while typing this are evidence of the impact she has on those not close to her.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE find someone or something to help if you find yourself with no way out.
I loved you, and I always will.