When I moved to my current location there were several strays running around. I had three indoor only cats. Once has since passed. But anyway, I decided to try and spay/neuter all the strays. Got several done and by this time the neighbors were pointing out more strays I didn't know about and a couple with large litters. With out the resources to take care of them all. I ended up trapping close to thirty cats and kittens and taking most of them to the local shelter where you know what would most likely happen. Only five kittens did I find homes for. The last unspayed female was trapped several months ago. She was feral so I never got to pet her.
Well, one cat that I got spayed has lived in my yard and mostly on my doorstep for three years. Unlike the four others who survived the cut and only show up for food, she never left the yard. She always greeted me as I drove in and came up to my truck. So I made her an inside cat. It is day three and she is doing well. But damn she sure does scratch me a lot and tear up my shirts. Oh well.
How are things going now with your newest cat?