Absolutely Vassilis. I just see it as an attack on the Republicans that preach hard work inevitably leads to success. Not true. There are a lot of other factors including men keeping women down in many cultures.
Heya! I appreciate all of your awesome comments, from my blog/photos to the hirsute group. And to [finally!] respond..
the lady in the yellow in my album is not my sister, but sometimes it feels that way. I think she would make an excellent snow white sg and I think someday when she doesn't have such a restricting job she'll do so.
Also, thank you so much for reading my blog..as in, my other blog. It's so small and barren, but I love writing and am constantly surprised when people actually read it. So thank you, seriously.
I have a lot to catch up on around here! I've been insanely busy in the real world. Hope you're doing well!
the lady in the yellow in my album is not my sister, but sometimes it feels that way. I think she would make an excellent snow white sg and I think someday when she doesn't have such a restricting job she'll do so.
Also, thank you so much for reading my blog..as in, my other blog. It's so small and barren, but I love writing and am constantly surprised when people actually read it. So thank you, seriously.
I have a lot to catch up on around here! I've been insanely busy in the real world. Hope you're doing well!