ugh. this week has been a complete drag. It has completely sucked balls in the non-sexual, non-cupping kinda way. I'm not getting much time off work right now ... working between 50-60hrs a week at the moment. That leaves me tired by the time I get home and I don't really feel like doing anything. It also doesn't help that since I'm out of town all the time I don't eat very healthy. So I'm just outta it. Don't really have much interest in SG so I apologize if I'm not commenting much. -dave
More Blogs
Sunday Aug 27, 2006
Goodbye friends. After three years of my life, I no longer have an in… -
Sunday Jul 16, 2006
The last three weeks of my life have been absolutely crazy, off the w… -
Monday Jul 10, 2006
Read More -
Sunday Jul 02, 2006
Cat Update: -------------------------- I'm currently in the process… -
Friday Jun 16, 2006
The death of my rats has enlarged the hole in my heart. There is noth… -
Wednesday Jun 07, 2006
Last night I was alarmed to discover that after Katie died that Erin … -
Tuesday Jun 06, 2006
My youngest rattie girl Katie died today of her tumerous growth. She … -
Tuesday May 30, 2006
Recap of the past two weeks .... Friday, May 19: Travelled to Virg… -
Monday May 15, 2006
Dave on Tour Summer 2006: Friday, May 20: Better Than Ezr… -
Tuesday May 09, 2006
After taking a two-month long hiatus from working on anything in my l…
yeah i thought you had to have a reference to get into the groups. i applied like a year ago but i hadn't really made any friends or posted to my journal at all. it sounds cool as hell though.
sorry you are in an unmotivated state. physical activity for a solid week usually boosts energy/metabolism/spirits. kick your ass and get moving. hell, go bowling or something random.
[Edited on Jul 19, 2005 7:31PM]