I finally got my bed & mattress delivered today! I ordered them almost three weeks ago and have been anxiously waiting for them. For the first time in my life I have a Queen sized mattress; I am going to be lost in there tonight. The delivery guy made sure to let me know that it won't handle more than three people. Sorry folks, you'll have to queue up. I am in love with the idea that it will be the one and only bed I will ever purchase. It'll be the bed for me to share time with my wife. It'll be the bed where my kids will wake me up on Saturdays. It'll be the bed where I'll wake up when my children are getting married and moving away. I feel like I'm in a jewelry commercial but I don't care because it makes me feel happy and content with the future. Now, onwards to making those things come true. -dave
More Blogs
Sunday Aug 27, 2006
Goodbye friends. After three years of my life, I no longer have an in… -
Sunday Jul 16, 2006
The last three weeks of my life have been absolutely crazy, off the w… -
Monday Jul 10, 2006
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Sunday Jul 02, 2006
Cat Update: -------------------------- I'm currently in the process… -
Friday Jun 16, 2006
The death of my rats has enlarged the hole in my heart. There is noth… -
Wednesday Jun 07, 2006
Last night I was alarmed to discover that after Katie died that Erin … -
Tuesday Jun 06, 2006
My youngest rattie girl Katie died today of her tumerous growth. She … -
Tuesday May 30, 2006
Recap of the past two weeks .... Friday, May 19: Travelled to Virg… -
Monday May 15, 2006
Dave on Tour Summer 2006: Friday, May 20: Better Than Ezr… -
Tuesday May 09, 2006
After taking a two-month long hiatus from working on anything in my l…