My computer decided to turn itself off a few times last night. I woke up this morning and found it off again. There is a nice burning smell from my power supply so I'm gonna go pick up a new power supply from PcLand when they open today. I hope that's the only problem with it. For the time being I'm managing to get around on my old Acer laptop. Go laptop power! -dave
This is actually replying to Tuesday. I was at a friend's apartment last night surfing on his Mac while we were deciding what to do, and his girlfriend saw me on Suicide Girls. She's probably a better friend of mine than he is, and she's usually a very tolerant and understanding person, but her initial reaction to SG was like, "What the fuck!" I showed her around the site and finally convinced her that it's actually a very cool place to spend an hour or two a day, doing more than just look at T&A, and she finally lightened up to the prospect. The fact remains, though, that most people are going to have an initial negative reaction to this site, regardless of what their opinions or political or moral leanings may be. Just think of the name - "Suicide Girls." To the unitiated it's going to sound like something completely insane, but the people who have been here and have looked around know better. I don't know your friend and can't say whether or not she will soften up, but all forms of social deviance will draw a negative initial reaction from just about everyone, no matter how socially deviant those people may be.