I'll be on vacation for a week starting on Thursday. While trips home to my parent's house usually recharge me, they don't help my depression much. I will still be away from everyone.
My motivation to do anything recently has been 0%, which sucks when I have final exams this week. I've been justifying naps as "catching up" for sleep from a long, exhausting quarter.
Haven't been doing much outside of school lately. Been neglecting work at the radio station and haven't been working on any out-of-class projects lately either.
Alia and I have been hanging out a little bit recently, but she is busy working full-time now and days off for her are at a premium. I was hung out with Ellen last week she went out of town this weekend so she's not around. I happen to live with four other people; all of which are not around today.
I should probably return to studying for my final exams tomorrow. Later, Dave
We'll see.