My youngest rattie girl Katie died today of her tumerous growth. She was almost two and a half years and was still an old rat despite her health problems. She was always sweet and had an disposition which was a middle ground between Ecco and Erin. I have been expecting her to pass on now as she has been in a lot of pain. Her mother Erin looks heartbroken. She has now outlived all but three of her eleven children born two years ago. I'm sorry to lose Katie but I know she feels much better now than she did with her tumor. -Dave
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Saturday Aug 13, 2005
I have been so bitter, angry, spiteful, & mean spirited lately. I've … -
Saturday Aug 13, 2005
I'm left up in the air about people. I don't have any healthy relatio… -
Wednesday Aug 10, 2005
Looking at my past entries I have broken my string of daily posts fro… -
Saturday Aug 06, 2005
Let me tell you about a dream I had last night. There are really two … -
Saturday Aug 06, 2005
I told my boss that my work week was so stressful and bad that it was… -
Thursday Aug 04, 2005
This all sent me into a panic attack tonight. I enjoyed it thoroughly… -
Wednesday Aug 03, 2005
So I thought I would give an actual update tonight. - I was able … -
Tuesday Aug 02, 2005
However much it frustrates me, I guess that keeping this journal allo… -
Sunday Jul 31, 2005
aggregvated, anxious, blah, bored, crappy, cynical, depressed, frustr… -
Friday Jul 29, 2005
Yuck. This week has flown by with nothing important to report. It'll …