I think it's probably time I seek help from a mental health professional. You have been very supportive of me over the years but unfortunately I am in too poor shape right now. I have to be out of town for work until Tuesday night at which point I am going to start looking at psychologists/psychiatrists in the Blacksburg area. Maybe by the end of the week I will be on a path to good health. -dave
rock on dude. it's a good way to take care of yourself. just remember...if you find good advice, keep it simple and stick with it. talking to a professional helps you get out all the complications. Some are deeper and more confusing. Some are just our mind racing in circles. Cut them out and focus on the little things that help make life good. warm regards!
Man i cant tell u how happy i am to be away from that place...i thought bout taking a gun in a couple of times...heh hope all is well