Alright, a new journal entry. It had been a couple days since my last one. I wanted to give everyone a fair chance to post on my previous one. Today is Thursday night and I finished most of my chores/errands for today. I went to one university and got registered for classes and paid my student bill for the quarter. I then went to my other university and transfered money from my Stafford loan towards school. Then, I ran some errands at the radio staiton. My last errand was to finish the 3 FCC applications for the radio station. We finally got those done which was a major burden off my shoulders. Afterwards I ran Alia around to a few places dropping off job applications.
So love is going fair these days. I think I'm really really falling for someone. Only time will really tell though if we're meant to be together. It's in that new part of a relationship where you can talk and talk for hours and hours on end. Unfortunately we're still in the 'do we wanna be friends, or more' stage so things are kinda shakey. I'm going cruising for women with magellan (formally a SG member) tomorrow at a local concert he's playing at. Doubt either of us will find us any legal (over 18 booty) but I guess it's worth a shot in the dark.
I was waiting up for my roommate but I guess he's not getting back at a decent hour. He had a three hour drive from St. Louis and it's pushing towards 4am. I'll probably head off to bed soon.
Trailing off into a lull of sleepiness ...
Friday Night Update:
Got back from the concert tonight. It was pretty cool. Eric and I both ended up 'dry' on our hunt for women tonight. Most of the girls were under 18 and a lot of then were under 16 so the laws of Indiana say we should stay away ... Got to hang out w/ Eric and the band a lot which was cool tonight. Doing some work on a Linux machine tomorrow and continuing recording an album. -Dave
So love is going fair these days. I think I'm really really falling for someone. Only time will really tell though if we're meant to be together. It's in that new part of a relationship where you can talk and talk for hours and hours on end. Unfortunately we're still in the 'do we wanna be friends, or more' stage so things are kinda shakey. I'm going cruising for women with magellan (formally a SG member) tomorrow at a local concert he's playing at. Doubt either of us will find us any legal (over 18 booty) but I guess it's worth a shot in the dark.
I was waiting up for my roommate but I guess he's not getting back at a decent hour. He had a three hour drive from St. Louis and it's pushing towards 4am. I'll probably head off to bed soon.
Trailing off into a lull of sleepiness ...
Friday Night Update:
Got back from the concert tonight. It was pretty cool. Eric and I both ended up 'dry' on our hunt for women tonight. Most of the girls were under 18 and a lot of then were under 16 so the laws of Indiana say we should stay away ... Got to hang out w/ Eric and the band a lot which was cool tonight. Doing some work on a Linux machine tomorrow and continuing recording an album. -Dave
well glad things are going better, sounds like ur on the mend!! yay!!
just had to hair.....this wknd!! woo!
Sounds like you had a good time with Eric. I need to get ahold of him and see if he wants to hang out sometime. We've really fallen out of touch. I don't know. He came to visit me this past winter and things had that awkward "I haven't seen you in forever and you've changed so what am I supposed to say to you" vibe. Eh.