159 days clean.
oh man....
- i saw dylan a merle haggard last saturday night. 2nd row biotch! kick ass!
- these self righteous texas moms, god bless em.
- is it me or does every kid look like a rock star these days?
- new calexico? awesome!
- new built to spill? awesome
- new yeah yeah yeahs? awesome!
- i really like the...
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oh man....
- i saw dylan a merle haggard last saturday night. 2nd row biotch! kick ass!
- these self righteous texas moms, god bless em.
- is it me or does every kid look like a rock star these days?
- new calexico? awesome!
- new built to spill? awesome
- new yeah yeah yeahs? awesome!
- i really like the...
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i wrote this back in july of last year. i found it in an old blog. it makes me really appreciate what i've gone through and where i am.
The pillow punches the back of my head. I think of lyrics. I think of blackouts. I think of nutrition. Bills. Moving. Friends. Ex-lovers. Books. Drugs. Breathing. God. I try to focus on a book. A...
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The pillow punches the back of my head. I think of lyrics. I think of blackouts. I think of nutrition. Bills. Moving. Friends. Ex-lovers. Books. Drugs. Breathing. God. I try to focus on a book. A...
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I heart you, Dave.
140 days clean!
i am a total butt nerd!
ok, so the picture thing is not wqorking for me right now.
all this tech stuff is new to me. i don't even have a computer. i use to use the one at my old job. now i have to use a friends. which makes me think of things that kick ass:
- my dope ass...
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i am a total butt nerd!
ok, so the picture thing is not wqorking for me right now.
all this tech stuff is new to me. i don't even have a computer. i use to use the one at my old job. now i have to use a friends. which makes me think of things that kick ass:
- my dope ass...
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Dude, you have to use the one with the [IMG] tag!
Sorry you've also been having sleeping troubles. Oh, and definitely post your tattoo when you're able to! I'm getting the word 'equilibrium' written vertically on the lower left side of my back - I'm really excited, but pretty nervous since it'll be my first
Aw, no way! You've never struck me as creepy (although I could be wrong...

Aw, no way! You've never struck me as creepy (although I could be wrong...

138 days clean.
things the kick ass:
pulling off the highway with no music on
new centro-matic songs
not thinking with my dick but my cold black heart
having money again
going to the titty bar alone and talking with the girls
my new tatoo
being on the computer at 5:25 am while my friends are passed out drunk
gay dudes
the fucking...
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things the kick ass:
pulling off the highway with no music on
new centro-matic songs
not thinking with my dick but my cold black heart

having money again
going to the titty bar alone and talking with the girls
my new tatoo

being on the computer at 5:25 am while my friends are passed out drunk
gay dudes
the fucking...
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Haha, I love the new member photo
And new tattoo? Pictures!

And new tattoo? Pictures!
I have to agree that most of those things kick ass. A few I just couldn't relate..."not thinking with my dick"
Glad to hear things are going good for ya.
Glad to hear things are going good for ya.
"file your complaint with this rookie officer, he'll lend you a smile, he'll lend you his deafest ear..." centro-matic
113 clean
after alot of deliberation and talking withmy sponsor i have decided to start bartending again. the cd store closed down this week. we got about 10 days notice. real nice. so i need a job and i need to pay the bills. it's going...
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113 clean

after alot of deliberation and talking withmy sponsor i have decided to start bartending again. the cd store closed down this week. we got about 10 days notice. real nice. so i need a job and i need to pay the bills. it's going...
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damn, you got all these hot chicks around you...hope there's still room for me...
Midget car racing! Take pictures!
Thanks for the congratulations, btw!
Thanks for the congratulations, btw!
maybe it's the weather...
jack kerouac:
"...Ah, life is a gate, a way, a path to Paradise anyway, why not live for fun and joy and love or some sort of girl by a fireside, why not go to your desire and LAUGH..."
- Big Sur
"My witness is the empty sky."
neal cassidy
The Embryo you know
goes thru the Fish Stage
but we...
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jack kerouac:
"...Ah, life is a gate, a way, a path to Paradise anyway, why not live for fun and joy and love or some sort of girl by a fireside, why not go to your desire and LAUGH..."
- Big Sur
"My witness is the empty sky."
neal cassidy
The Embryo you know
goes thru the Fish Stage
but we...
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thanks for the comment, your welcome

I know this is very belated, but thank you so much for the sweet comment on my set, it means so much to me!
"i can't make you love me and you can't make me stay."
that has nothing to do with anything, i just like it. nobody wants me to stay. but i guess there are a few i wish would love me...
101 days clean.
sobriety 101
bitterness,anger,anxiety. i am not a horrible person. really. i have lots of love. but sometimes the first thought to pop...
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that has nothing to do with anything, i just like it. nobody wants me to stay. but i guess there are a few i wish would love me...
101 days clean.
sobriety 101
bitterness,anger,anxiety. i am not a horrible person. really. i have lots of love. but sometimes the first thought to pop...
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ok. i'm more than likely not "getting any" this valentines. i could be a hater and make a list of awesome "break up" and "fuck you" songs but i'm full of love. so i was thinking of an imaginary mix for my imaginary date. it goes something like this:
will johnson: just to know you've been smiling
curtis mayfield: the makings of you
rolling stones:...
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will johnson: just to know you've been smiling
curtis mayfield: the makings of you
rolling stones:...
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If I ever received such a mix, I think I'd be in heaven! Good work

Hey thanks for commenting on my set

all i can think of is getting fucked up. i'm craving drugs i haven't done in years. i want to swallow, chew, shot, snort, huff. i want booze, pills, crack, heroin. i want to get high. i want to get low. i want to lose the ability to walk. the ability to talk. the ability to think. the ability to function. i want some x...
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Thankyou for commenting on my photoset 

it'll get easier and harder, but if you've made it this far, you are doing damn good. Keep it up, it'll really pay off. I swear.
so friday night i get off of work. my na friend and i head up to the group. we are listening to the last 20 minutes of lone star dead (a local station that plays 2 hoours of grateful dead every friday night from 8-10pm). and the first song that comes on after the commercials is "terrapin station". this is one of my favorite songs....
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Thanks for your supersweet comment on my set!!
It made my day
It made my day

And new Built To Spill? I should check that out! Plus, mmmmmm, suuuuuushiiiii...