so my friend said i could borrow his 4-track for as long as i need it. now i need to start writing songs again. i need a new keyboard. i find it much easier to write when i have a beat.
i have to postpone my trip to caLIFORNIA BECAUSE I AM MOVING INTO A HOUSE IN AN "ARTY" PART OF TOWN NEXT MONTH. I WAS REALLY ( oh shit! i didn't notice i hit the caps lock button.) looking forward to the visit. i've been to the northwest but never california.
i got another tattoo 2 weeks, no 3 weeks ago. pretty dope. very colorful. no pictures though.
i started dating this girl. why does this make me so nervous? not nervous like " do i have food in my teeth?" but nervous like "what is this person going to want from me?". but she is cool and has a good job, her own place, a sense of humor, cool style, and a very annoying dog.
i need to make rent this weekend.

chicken payback.