159 days clean.
oh man....
- i saw dylan a merle haggard last saturday night. 2nd row biotch! kick ass!
- these self righteous texas moms, god bless em.
- is it me or does every kid look like a rock star these days?
- new calexico? awesome!
- new built to spill? awesome
- new yeah yeah yeahs? awesome!
- i really like the lupe fiasco kid too!
- where are my elvis sunglasseswhen i need them?
- 50 cent beer till midnight? every night? you got it, i work in a dive.
- i feel like a seelout buying 20 dollar t shirts. what happen to thrift town? oh yeah...
- i need to start playing music with other people agian.
- sushi summer!
- build them up to knoch them down?
- that dude from exxon with his 400 million retirment package?
- yo momma?
- new ink is great. i don't care anymore, just cover up my skin!
- april in texas and it is in the hundereds.
fuck it i am not correcting my spelling!
fat bottom girls you make the rocking world go round!
peace out homies.

oh man....
- i saw dylan a merle haggard last saturday night. 2nd row biotch! kick ass!
- these self righteous texas moms, god bless em.
- is it me or does every kid look like a rock star these days?
- new calexico? awesome!
- new built to spill? awesome
- new yeah yeah yeahs? awesome!
- i really like the lupe fiasco kid too!
- where are my elvis sunglasseswhen i need them?
- 50 cent beer till midnight? every night? you got it, i work in a dive.
- i feel like a seelout buying 20 dollar t shirts. what happen to thrift town? oh yeah...
- i need to start playing music with other people agian.
- sushi summer!
- build them up to knoch them down?
- that dude from exxon with his 400 million retirment package?
- yo momma?
- new ink is great. i don't care anymore, just cover up my skin!
- april in texas and it is in the hundereds.
fuck it i am not correcting my spelling!
fat bottom girls you make the rocking world go round!
peace out homies.

And new Built To Spill? I should check that out! Plus, mmmmmm, suuuuuushiiiii...