If you couldn't tell I'm not one for posting a lot of stuff about myself, but I did just add some new photos if anyone feels like checking them out. Let me know what you think. Thanks!
Ok, it has been a really long time since I added a new journal entry...I guess I've been extremely busy and typically just don't like talking about myself.
I recently was selected to be a featured photographer on one of my sites that I'm a member of, OMP (Onemodelplace), from what I've read some of you like the site and others of... Read More
If you get a chance please go check out the SG set that just posted that I shot with monet. She is an incredible model and more importantly an incredible woman, so I hope that you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed working with her!!!
I have just added some more old pictures that I had taken if anyone cares to see them. I still have some more old images, and a lot of new images to add so hopefully you enjoy looking at other people's pictures and like the ones that I have added so far.
The quality of some of the older ones aren't the best since... Read More
I just added a variety of some old pictures from my first 2 shoots that I had with SG Ash back in 2003. I hope that you all will like them. I should be adding more recent pictures soon.
Hi I've been a member of SG for a little while now, and a fan for much, much longer, so I figured that it was about time I attempted to post some sort of journal entry (Especially since I've been prompted by a couple of members that I know to do so).
I don't really enjoy talking about myself too much, but here's a little... Read More
Merry Christmas!!