So most of the pain has subsided, but not all of it. For some reason I still randomly hurt. Oh well, I will get it all sorted out soon. Either that or I'll die some violently horrible death. I hate being down in Vancouver, I could try and see some of the other SG people that are down here, maybe make some new friends, but I do not have a car with me, and I would have no way of getting anywhere I need to be. So here I sit, for the next four days, bored off my ass. Blarg.
So most of the pain has subsided, but not all of it. For some reason I still randomly hurt. Oh well, I will get it all sorted out soon. Either that or I'll die some violently horrible death. I hate being down in Vancouver, I could try and see some of the other SG people that are down here, maybe make some new friends, but I do not have a car with me, and I would have no way of getting anywhere I need to be. So here I sit, for the next four days, bored off my ass. Blarg.
yay, someone appreciated the shoes!!