And people should add me to their friends list. I'm awfully lonely here by myself, hehe. Seriously though, if you feel the need leave a comment, add me to your friends. I'm not picky and I enjoy speaking with new people.
More Blogs
Sunday Mar 01, 2009
So I found out yesterday that I will be allowed to do my final philos… -
Thursday Feb 19, 2009
Ugh. Today was a little more boring than usual. Not to mention that… -
Sunday Feb 15, 2009
Well hot damn. Someone just purchased a three month subscription a… -
Friday Sep 23, 2005
OK, since nobody reads my posts anyways, I think I"m safe in speaking… -
Monday Sep 05, 2005
OK So most of the pain has subsided, but not all of it. For some re… -
Sunday Sep 04, 2005
I'm beginning to think that the people on the SG Western Washington g… -
Sunday Jul 31, 2005
Ugh...This has been the week from hell. First of all I got a 700 dol… -
Thursday Jun 02, 2005
Oh and if that last post sounds like it was written by a three year o… -
Thursday Jun 02, 2005
I've noticed something. If I do not add someone to my list of friend… -
Tuesday Apr 05, 2005
Been a while since I've updated this journal entry. However there ha…