So I found out yesterday that I will be allowed to do my final philosophy paper on Delirium formerly Delight from the Sandman series. I am very excited, though I a still not sure exactly how I am going to incorporate Sarte and Gaddamer into the paper. It should be fun in any case.
Ugh. Today was a little more boring than usual. Not to mention that I just tweaked my back pretty bad and am having trouble laying down. But on the plus side I am nearly done with this whole college thing, and after my test tomorrow I should be fine for the quarter save for my Contemporary Thought Paper.
Haha, it was a paper for my First Aid class. The topic was the student's choice, so long as it was related to First Aid in some way.

I couldn't think of anything interesting to write about. So I wrote an essay on airway obstruction in infants/children. Did you know 110 children have died from choking on balloons since 1973? or that in 2001, there were over 17,000 hospital visits involving pediatric choking?

Well hot damn.
Someone just purchased a three month subscription and renewed my account for me. How fucking awesome is that? Anyway, I am back online now so feel free to drop me a lone and say hi. Also....If you are the person who bought me this subscription, please let me know. I would love the chance to repay you somehow.
Yes I do. I just wish I knew who the hell did it. It has been about 4 years since I had a subscription on here and it was very out of the blue to check my email and have a notice saying that I was paid up for a while.
As for your two things
Yes I am a D&D Geek, but I don't think I fit into that mold exclusively. I am also a professional DJ (available for any type of party with my group the Hot Lava Burn Monkeys) and Philosophy student at CWU. I am definitely a geek, but that doesn't mean I can't carry on a conversation with the normal people. Also, is it a bad thing that I am a D&D nerd? The statement you made was a little ambiguous as to whether that was a good or bad thing.
Yes I am a virgin. Its not religious and it is not due to lack of options. I just don't really care. But I suppose that is a much longer story that really doesn't have much of a point, so I will leave it at that.
Anyway, I hope it was ok that I added you. I just noticed your profile in a group and saw that you lived in Pasco and figured WTF why not.
do you really want to know who bought you a subscription? isn't it better to remain mysterious?
OK, since nobody reads my posts anyways, I think I"m safe in speaking freely for a moment.

I have been a member for a while now, and was a member a long time ago as well. This entire war that is going on within the site seems completely retarded. All those people who left in anger, or booted off, you are fucking retarded. I've read...
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well that was interesting. i'm leaving because of people who yell and bitch, because of shit-talking, because of drama, because i'm not proud to be on this site anymore.

i haven't had it as bad as some people, but i'm just annoyed. i did the site because i could, plain and simple. for me, the money came at a good time but i was going to do it before i knew about the money. i sent in one set, it was accepted, i'm not one of those that tried sixteen times and got lucky. i'd never really been on the site before i sent my set in.

now i'm leaving. and you're welcome to add me to whatever friends list you'd like.
So most of the pain has subsided, but not all of it. For some reason I still randomly hurt. Oh well, I will get it all sorted out soon. Either that or I'll die some violently horrible death. I hate being down in Vancouver, I could try and see some of the other SG people that are down here, maybe make some new friends,...
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thank you!!
yay, someone appreciated the shoes!! biggrin i have a horrible obession with shoes!
Thanks for your comment on my set! smile
I'm beginning to think that the people on the SG Western Washington group doesn't like outsiders. None of the people there even bother responding when I ffer free alcohol. Well...i guess thats unfair, I did get a reply saying that one of them wasn't in town. Yet that same day, THE SAME DAY I SPOTED, one of the regulars went on there and posted a...
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Youre from Colville Huh? My best friend from High School has a cousin there. Met him a few times when I was younger. But anyhoo....

L8eR Sweets smile
Ugh...This has been the week from hell. First of all I got a 700 dollar ticket the other day for no tabs and no insurance. I have insurance, I just couldn't find the card. Then I found out I got a C- in my Russian History class. And on top of everything, i was supposed to be moving into my new house tomorrow, but the...
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Welcome to the BCB group.
Oh and if that last post sounds like it was written by a three year old, i apologize but im on a large amount of codiene at the moment. YAY PAIN! only not.
I've noticed something. If I do not add someone to my list of friends, then I will never be anyones friend. Not just in SG but anywhere else, I join communities I say hi, i ask people to add me and here i sit...all alone...The only person on here that i actually know in reality is also the only person i know on this site....
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Been a while since I've updated this journal entry. However there hasn't been much of a reason to. No one really reads this, nor do I have much to say. Life is fairly uneventful as of late. Single again, reading a lot more, and doing a shitload of homework. I got a picture on here (though it isn't that great of quality) so maybe someone...
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I like your pic greg its awesome