Who is the master who makes the grass green?
Always stay true to yourself, and never doubt who you are. In the words of Bruce Lee " I'm not here to live up to your expectations, and you're not here to live up to mine." So live your life however you wish to live it and fuck everyone who stands in the way of you doing what ever the fuck you want to do....
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Fucking damn it.
Where does all the time go? I want it back.
It probably goes in your computer... in my case, a little bit too much in my emails.
And I know. It's insane. And you're not throught thinking that. It just gets worse.
And I know. It's insane. And you're not throught thinking that. It just gets worse.
I want one of these as a pet....
" Some nights I would find myself roaming the beaches, digging up baby crabs and eating handfuls of sand-this was in the middle of the night when the sky was so clear I could see the entire solar system and the sand, lit by it, seemed almost lunar in scale. I even dragged a beached jellyfish back to the house and microwaved it early one...
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"Goodnight room. Goodnight moon. Goodnight cow jumping over the moon. Goodnight light and the red balloon. Goodnight bears. Goodnight chairs. Goodnight kittens and goodnight mittens. Goodnight clocks and goodnight socks. Goodnight little house and goodnight mouse. Goodnight comb and goodnight brush. Goodnight nobody. Goodnight mush and goodnight to the old lady whispering hush." -Goodnight Moon
This song is just, just, ah there aren't even words to describe how it makes me feel. Just listen for yourself.
Todd Browning's Freaks, well, what can I say about this movie aside from I fuckin love this movie! I actually can't seem to stop watching it. I've been watching it every day lately. I'm watching it right now while simultaneously looking for good youtube clips of my favorite scenes. It's one of the best movies ever, and son of a bitch bastard mother fucker! My...
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