Thanks for the comments during the strangling cloud of doom lingering as of late, despite the sun's fingers tickling my back with the changing weather.
SO does anyone know of any DECENT joints in SF to watch some fine ladies for a fella's ritual day of birth celebration? One that isn't all shitty across from the Salvation Army where the Tenderloin picking hang out? Suggestions would be helpful.
Ah, itr's at times like these that I wish I made more time to network with the SG's so we could all boogy down and have some pretty faces to look at, but since I lag, well, I lag.
Yeah, well, I'm tired, and not sure if this journal stated what I wanted.
Night y'all...
EDIT: I have a bizarre method of language that often only I understand. Let me clarify:
It's a boy's 30th bday, and I want to nab our guy and girl friends and drag them to a DECENT strip joint in San Francisco but I don't know of one, so does anyone have any suggestions for a place that is not freaky deaky sleaze? I do realize that it is, in fact, asking for something that may well not exist in that fashion.
SO does anyone know of any DECENT joints in SF to watch some fine ladies for a fella's ritual day of birth celebration? One that isn't all shitty across from the Salvation Army where the Tenderloin picking hang out? Suggestions would be helpful.
Ah, itr's at times like these that I wish I made more time to network with the SG's so we could all boogy down and have some pretty faces to look at, but since I lag, well, I lag.
Yeah, well, I'm tired, and not sure if this journal stated what I wanted.
Night y'all...

EDIT: I have a bizarre method of language that often only I understand. Let me clarify:
It's a boy's 30th bday, and I want to nab our guy and girl friends and drag them to a DECENT strip joint in San Francisco but I don't know of one, so does anyone have any suggestions for a place that is not freaky deaky sleaze? I do realize that it is, in fact, asking for something that may well not exist in that fashion.
I'm sure that with your credentials, lil_tuffy will give you instant access.
I remember a discussion a while ago when some girl wanted to find a place to dance and lots of people piped in with what places are slimy, who owns them, etc. I don't remember the verdict.
Thanks for your other comment. Other peoples' opinions are really helping me process this. Maybe it's weird, but I definitely felt there was a physical beauty in his ailing body too.