Shit, how much time has pessed since I even got a chance to look at the felines on the site? I think I have the least time of all the humans I know of. It's amazing I still have friends.
The sun shone its bright flaming smile into my window, begging me to drive to the ocean and taste the ocean's belly, except I am in this damn funk, and I was on the phone with some fucked up old school unresolved fiancial/emo issues, and now the sun got impatient. It shrugged it's distant shoulders, saying<"Well, I can only wait so long for you to get your head on straight." So the sun left without me, travelling to some other woman's window that may be smart enough to actually get her ass in gear.
My eyes burn right now. I am exhausted, sick for the last week, and a bunch of other shit went haywrire.
In general, that same old, "What the hell am I doing with my life?" crap that I don't believe in worrying about, and yet, incessantly plagues me anyway.
Oh, but pee my pants,, the new Benni set, wet myself with joy, I'm not a praying woman, but if I was, I'd be singing the gospel to that lass...
The sun shone its bright flaming smile into my window, begging me to drive to the ocean and taste the ocean's belly, except I am in this damn funk, and I was on the phone with some fucked up old school unresolved fiancial/emo issues, and now the sun got impatient. It shrugged it's distant shoulders, saying<"Well, I can only wait so long for you to get your head on straight." So the sun left without me, travelling to some other woman's window that may be smart enough to actually get her ass in gear.
My eyes burn right now. I am exhausted, sick for the last week, and a bunch of other shit went haywrire.
In general, that same old, "What the hell am I doing with my life?" crap that I don't believe in worrying about, and yet, incessantly plagues me anyway.
Oh, but pee my pants,, the new Benni set, wet myself with joy, I'm not a praying woman, but if I was, I'd be singing the gospel to that lass...
