Hhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeelllllllllo Kats and Feline alike:
Holiday Tidings to all.
Now, mind you, I abstain from saying a specific "Merry Christmas" for truth is that there's a lot of non-Christmas-ers out there, or those of us who don't real feel that holiday jingle with the same joy as others, be it because of lost ones, sorrows, or downright grinchiness.
Whatever, To represent ya'll, I just want to say do the best you can on Christmasnad may there be some sunshine, some light, some ocean water in your eyes or in your smile to carry you through the day.
I just came home from a wonderful little holiday eve party, where I ate and drank with my two housemates, three Italian boisterous men, and one additional character named Wesley. You know, sometimes life drops you these little spots of beauty. Later in the even, Claudio (spoken Cloud-ee-yo) brings out his guitar, and we all start either drumming or sinking, passing around three lovely boughs of the ol' psychedelic mistletoe in the eve. I even began to sing. I don't sing in front of people. It's not my gig, no matter how much they make me try. But here we were, folks, ye' ol' Lil'MissJimsonWeed a' singin' to the tunes. Bu7t the best is when I just did what I do, which is make harmonies to go with lyrics that aren't words at all. Just flows of sound.
So I feel thankful. Tomorrow will be a bland of oil and water, an unsettled mixture of love for my Mom and utter frustration at what happened to what was at some point "home." She's not a bad woman. I love her so much. I just wish she loved herself as much as I loved her and that she did a better job of making POSITIVE decisions along the way.
Self-Destruction is a bitch.
Season's Tidings and to All a Good Night...
Yours truly,
Oh yeah, a Xmas smooch for you all, whether you get down with Santa or not! p.s. check out the suave tie I donned for the eve. It's so beautiful that I tried to get a picture in case any of you find that sort of thing...worth peeping.
Holiday Tidings to all.
Now, mind you, I abstain from saying a specific "Merry Christmas" for truth is that there's a lot of non-Christmas-ers out there, or those of us who don't real feel that holiday jingle with the same joy as others, be it because of lost ones, sorrows, or downright grinchiness.
Whatever, To represent ya'll, I just want to say do the best you can on Christmasnad may there be some sunshine, some light, some ocean water in your eyes or in your smile to carry you through the day.
I just came home from a wonderful little holiday eve party, where I ate and drank with my two housemates, three Italian boisterous men, and one additional character named Wesley. You know, sometimes life drops you these little spots of beauty. Later in the even, Claudio (spoken Cloud-ee-yo) brings out his guitar, and we all start either drumming or sinking, passing around three lovely boughs of the ol' psychedelic mistletoe in the eve. I even began to sing. I don't sing in front of people. It's not my gig, no matter how much they make me try. But here we were, folks, ye' ol' Lil'MissJimsonWeed a' singin' to the tunes. Bu7t the best is when I just did what I do, which is make harmonies to go with lyrics that aren't words at all. Just flows of sound.
So I feel thankful. Tomorrow will be a bland of oil and water, an unsettled mixture of love for my Mom and utter frustration at what happened to what was at some point "home." She's not a bad woman. I love her so much. I just wish she loved herself as much as I loved her and that she did a better job of making POSITIVE decisions along the way.
Self-Destruction is a bitch.
Season's Tidings and to All a Good Night...
Yours truly,
Oh yeah, a Xmas smooch for you all, whether you get down with Santa or not! p.s. check out the suave tie I donned for the eve. It's so beautiful that I tried to get a picture in case any of you find that sort of thing...worth peeping.

thank you for the comment on my set with Alexsandria!
happy holidays and new year! thanks for the smootch!

I love your Christmas tie.