Sometimes its better to wake late then it is to rise a little early. When you wake late you get this shot of adrenaline and your amped and on your way apposed to waking up right before your supposed to and feeling drained and longing to lay in your bed. Though I understand that doesn't happen to me. The benefits of working night shift. In order for me to sleep late I would have to sleep about 13 hours most of the time, and I can't do that.
You are all beautiful! Kisses to you all. A gal can't feel TOO lonely when she's luck enough to have messages and thoughts through the good ol' beige box on the in*ter*net.
Sending smooched to you all. Smuch your lips to the computer screen, pucker up, and POW, got ya', right in the kisser.
Looking for housing sucks. I wish I owned my own home so then I would be paying my own rent instead of someone else's. Worst is when there's a time deadline and little time to find a place, not to mention the skinny dinky pocket book.
its so hard for people our age to own instead of rent....
especially in CA.
even more especially in the bay.
i dont know how im gonna swing it when i get back there- right now its pretty easy in NC- i just bought my own home. it sucks paying other peoples mortgages.
sunday evening
litte bit of joy
blanketed later with a voice stripped of all recognition
my own all too clear in the room of only me
clutter all about
and mine the only arms to warp around myself to feel better
i am behind on everything
from the tiniest cell to the entire expanse of the universe
that's all for now
these are like bird... Read More
...I came to update my journal, only to sit here with still fingers, cold in the evening air, with nothing but the sight of a tumbleweed across my cranium's inner screen.
Hope you're smiling today and find something more then a tumbleweed in your mind. I always feel like that when I come home from work at 7am in the morning.
Thanks for the comments during the strangling cloud of doom lingering as of late, despite the sun's fingers tickling my back with the changing weather.
SO does anyone know of any DECENT joints in SF to watch some fine ladies for a fella's ritual day of birth celebration? One that isn't all shitty across from the Salvation Army where the Tenderloin picking hang out? Suggestions... Read More
I'm sure that with your credentials, lil_tuffy will give you instant access.
I remember a discussion a while ago when some girl wanted to find a place to dance and lots of people piped in with what places are slimy, who owns them, etc. I don't remember the verdict.
Thanks for your other comment. Other peoples' opinions are really helping me process this. Maybe it's weird, but I definitely felt there was a physical beauty in his ailing body too.