Spring Break is upon me. Plans have been broken, for obvious reasons, after talking to my mom on the phone today.
I was worked like a dog tonight. I've decided I don't give a shit about customers. The animals either, most of the time. I just want to get my shit done, get paid and go home. Some customer wanted help with what to do about his dalmation who's disobedient. He was in a few months before, I guess so he asks me "Hey, remember me?!" But instead of being nice and lying, I went "Well, not really." Now to me that seems rude, even though it's probably stupid to everyone else, but I guess that's because one of my biggest pet peeves is manners and consideration. If I hold a door for you and you don't say thank you, then fuck you. *Ahem* New manager is cool, she's a sweetheart who prefers the guy workers, which is fine in my book. If I find a better paying job in another retail store, I may grab it, this summer. But only in good paying managerial position. I'm not taking a shit job with lower pay.
The phone is back on. I have to drive into the city of Passaic tomorrow to visit my mom. I'm a little bit nervous, I don't know that area too well except Main Ave. From what I've seen several times, it's not very nice. And I'll be alone.
I kept thinking about the time last semester I went to Cambridge, MA with a friend for a weekend. It was the first time I was out of the TriState area without adults. But I'll write about that some other time. I gotta post those pictures...
Pandemonium and I are goin to Paris this summer for a week. I'm convinced.

I was worked like a dog tonight. I've decided I don't give a shit about customers. The animals either, most of the time. I just want to get my shit done, get paid and go home. Some customer wanted help with what to do about his dalmation who's disobedient. He was in a few months before, I guess so he asks me "Hey, remember me?!" But instead of being nice and lying, I went "Well, not really." Now to me that seems rude, even though it's probably stupid to everyone else, but I guess that's because one of my biggest pet peeves is manners and consideration. If I hold a door for you and you don't say thank you, then fuck you. *Ahem* New manager is cool, she's a sweetheart who prefers the guy workers, which is fine in my book. If I find a better paying job in another retail store, I may grab it, this summer. But only in good paying managerial position. I'm not taking a shit job with lower pay.
The phone is back on. I have to drive into the city of Passaic tomorrow to visit my mom. I'm a little bit nervous, I don't know that area too well except Main Ave. From what I've seen several times, it's not very nice. And I'll be alone.
I kept thinking about the time last semester I went to Cambridge, MA with a friend for a weekend. It was the first time I was out of the TriState area without adults. But I'll write about that some other time. I gotta post those pictures...
Pandemonium and I are goin to Paris this summer for a week. I'm convinced.