I just spoke to my mom on the phone and she's going in for her third surgery in 8 months for the lessions(sp?) left over from the botched surgery on her cancer that took her entire colon. She's on different pain meds and is going for lycoscopic surgery (that's with lasers, non-intrusive) soon.

We're moving out of the house we're renting from my sister and...
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you look strangely like a friend of mine. that's always weird.

i'm sorry to hear all of this shit going on in your life. how are you taking things? do you mind if i ask about what happened during the botched surgery...did they just miss the lesions, how long ago was it, and are you guys going to take any legal action? how about your mom - emotionally and physically? it sounds like she's bed-ridden...that's gotta be rough on everyone, especially her.

i'm wishing you all the best...
Thank you for your kind words. I think they missed the lesions during the surgery, the first of which was at the very beginning of July at Hackensack University Center here in NJ. I'm taking things OK, I mean it gets a little harder every time something like this happens, but I'm not going to pieces. She sounded exhausted on the phone, she's depressed I think. Unfortunately I don't live at home, I live at college, so I don't know what exactly is going on. She's seeing a lawyer about legal action, the lawyer finally called her back.
Ah, so I just returned from the movies. Chichicat and I saw "The Passion of the Christ" at the Loews in Palisades Park Mall. Good movie, flawed, but still good. It shook me up a lot though, tears in the eyes, shivers, the whole works. It made me seriously reconsider going back to Mass and saying "Hi, again" to the Catholic Church.
This is getting to be too much....I had a second dream that I was at work. Very vivid as well. Instead of smoking cigarettes in the BACKroom, the managers and I were smoking in the BATHroom. Huh?
Some smart ass wrote "For Sale" on my car in the parking lot of the Tiffany Diner. But I couldn't help but laugh...
I'm still betting it was Jeff man. If it happened at Petco, then it was Jeff, I'm sure. But I don't remember seeing it there. There were some people laughing outside at Tiffany's that might have done it. Whatever... stupid brat-fucks
Ah so I am in much better health as of now, having gotten a full 9 hours of sleep last night.

A major weight has been lifted off of my shoulders as of yesterday, having done a 5 page oral report for my Lit. Theory class. Prof. said I did "an excellent job" only after I asked her. Made Dean's List for the third semester...
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Ah and so the pics are finally loaded....
Hurrah, hurrah.

I'm on hour 36 without sleep. Oh the joys of working and going to school at the same time. I fell asleep in the library three times this evening. So I think maybe my bed is a more appropriate place?
Poor Eric. I hope you get to sleep soon because sleeping is GOOD. I've managed to turn it into a hobby, even. Something to do when I've nothing else to do.

But it's mostly appropriate that I sing its praises since I haven't had much myself lately.

But at any rate, I digress.
Sleep tight, don't let the Jesus porn bite.

Ah so much to say...
Work has been nice the past few days. I went to the keg party and met up with the Redwood people, big Joe, Christine, Rob, Jack and miscellaneous others who I met that night. But alas, I had to be stupid and NOT eat beforehand, then immediately hit the Everclear and then the peace pipe. Tsk tsk. I spent the...
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La Strada? hmmm tell me about it
Hey Eric, in case Christine doesn't see you today, I added our names to the timeoff book for March 5. I also told Diana about it, so at least one (technincally Monica was there too, but Monica's usually not *really* there, hehe) manager knows in advance.
Also, in other news, fer christsakes stop telling Diana everytime we hit the peacepipe. She made me look her in the eyes and promise not to ever again! I felt like I was 7 again and my mom was making me promise not to hit my sister in the arm for stealing my crayons or something. Geez.

Anyway man, I'll talk to you later.

So today is the day I pick up my African Fat Tailed Gecko. His name shall be "Little Lord Fontleroy" and he will have a nice home in my dorm room.

I switch to full time status at my job in a week. Yay?

*End of transmission*
Yippee yippee skippee doo-dah-day muthafucka. Hey Eric, hope you're feeling besser als than when I last saw you by the time you read this. And tell Ian I found my keys. Talk to you soon man, don't forget about Sunday.

The paper got done. And today was a little less bad.
Eric! Hey Eric, its Rob. Lookin forward to seeing you tomorrow at the party. Hopefully it'll be fun. We played Scrabble and unfortuantely, I was unceremoniously beaten by all three other players. So much for my winning streak, Ginette beat us all.

Anyway, glad you got your work out of the way.

So right now I'm supposed to be writing a paper on Structuralism and the "Structural Analysis of Myth" for my Literary Theory and Criticism class. But I'm procrastinating instead, trying to keep a little occupied, since I've had this trailing feeling of loneliness. Amazing, I'm on a college campus of hundreds, (probably a few thousand), and I'm alone. frown
I know you aren't referring to me when you say you're alone. But I wish you didn't feel the way you do, I hate seeing my little boy sad. You're such a great guy, everyone should want to be hanging out with you every minute of the day. Just like I want to smile


Yeah I know....two posts, one day. But anyhow, I just finished watching "Kill Bill" on the computer. Oh my! Wonderful film, simply wonderful. Comes close to Pulp Fiction, very close.