1st off, HOLY FUCKING OUCH!!!!!! I was helping my dad work on his truck, using a high spped cut off wheel to cut a toolbox, yeah apperently you can't stop those with your hand, I wasn't paying attention and caught the damn thing in my finger, so now I have a 1" gash 1/4" deep on my finger. It sucks and hurts bad!!
anyways, I've decided I need more friends, so give me the name of one person on your ist I should be friends with and why.

anyways, I've decided I need more friends, so give me the name of one person on your ist I should be friends with and why.

Whoa newton eh? My estranged gf is there right this moment babysitting for her aunt... small world heh... sucks about the finger thouhg hope your alright... see my pic? yeah Id kill for a Zach Wylde les Paul right about now... not that Im super good or anything yet... say if ya havent yet you should add Akira
yep Ive heard of em.. ever heard of Victor Wooten? ... that guy is just insane onthe bass.. Im not really that good either to be honest I just started playing in feburary