I got today off from work, the only thiy I had to do was crush a finger Yeah I was working when my machine started to come off the rail I was working on, I went to catch it and WHAM it slipped right off the rail and cut thru about 3/4 of my picky! so 5 hours, 8 stiches and, no finger nail I'm... Read More
Got your app. to SGMotorcycles. Please leave a note in MY blog about you and motorcycles. What you ride, where, how long, etc. If you dont ride, please tell me why you want to join SGMC.
I've read lots of good stuff about both bikes, so I guess I'll need to know what kind of riding you'll actually be doing. If it's all high-speed corner carving, the 1000 is a better bet. If you plan on covering a lot of Kansas, the Fast Bus is said to be much more comfortable. I haven't ridden either, though. My observation on Kansas the first time I rode across: "The only difference between 65 mph and 125mph in Kansas is how fast the telephone poles go by. The clouds on the horizon ahead just stay ahead, and the cornfields in the rearview mirrors just keep reaching back to the horizon behind." The second time I rode across Kansas, everything was in bloom. I was gobsmacked by the beauty of the endless dark-green fields swirling with bright yellow flowers.
nothing much new as of late, still working my ass off!!! However I took Zeus (My dog) who is a year old now and already weighs 75lbs!!! out to the lake here close to town and we went swimming, it was a nice relaxing end to a hard days work, had oddles of fun!
heh whatcha been up to? sorry for the not approving you thing... see heres the thing I failed to realize that ya have to check the box before hitting approve... yeah all those days of smugly solving the computer illiterates problems is smacking me right upside the head aint karma great?
i know that all the SGs are gorgeous, but i tend to lean towards those in my journal....however Jetta is my favorite SG and she doesn't fit that type. i am a silly one