Ages ago, in another life, I mentioned that, somewhere, in the midden of stuff that is in our loft, were a pair of early 1980's 'New Romantic' boots (known to those not in the know as 'Pixie boots'). As I have been 6'+ since I was 14, and (ahem) Stones in weight, and taking a size 11 shoe, a pixie I most definitely was not. Anyway, I found them. And they still fit - just. I can't keep them on, so you'll just have to look at them and marvel at my youthful lack of taste. The complete ensemble would have been these boots, white socks, single pleat peg trousers,(black, of course), a black shirt,(if possible, a 'cavalry' shirt, with two rows of buttons), braces (black), topped off with a long black coat, and Fedora if possible. Black nail polish, and eyeliner wherever practical. Hair as impractical as possible. I was once refused service in a country pub, because the Landlord took offence to my black nail polish. The bastard. π anyway, here are the boots: