#tbt One of my favorite song from my favorite band.


It's been a long night not to mention weekend or shold i say workend. Good lord! Man I don't know what I was thinking doing doing a a triple 16hr shifts. Apart from the currency now I will have four days off to do as I please. I guess it was a good trade...right?

Thanks to my sugar rush I made it lmao

Now I'm
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Keep the faith and trust in oneself to know what's best for you. In order to be loved, one must first learn to love thyself. The traits we seek in our friends and especially significant other are traits we love about ourself and those we aspire to gain to evolve as a person.

Positive energy begat positive rewards :-)

So true, I love this! Thank you! 
@soultry ♡ :-)

Sitting thinking what is next for me. Its been so long since I've traveled somewhere exotic and did something reckless. The year maybe 2 I have been focused on working and getting my shit together. Losing people you love and admire have a way of making think deeply about the bigger picture and what the world holds for you. The funny thing about that is,...
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Well Happy Super Belated Happy News Years to all. I so late I know but I haven't been on here in awhile so just want pay my respects :-). I usually just check out instagram which I know is not the same but it keeps me connected. I have missed the community though and this I shall be getting back in the grove lol.

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Tonight's episode was totally epic in so many ways. For those that haven't seen it yet I will try not to give away too much spoilers ;-). I can only imagine what will happen the last four episodes especially with what Styles is going with his evil Kitsune causing so much drama. If you are fan and seen tonight's episode you know what craziness is
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Well here at work still lol doing the overnight getting some extra cash. It's a good night to be at work right things are good, quite and the group I'm with tonight is pretty chill so that's good. Hopefully the rest of the night goes smoothly...