Oh for fucks sake I really hate people sometime. Yes this is a rant so if you aren't interested please click your back button now.

My SG account was suspended because my bank account overdrafted by about $300 recently. To my dismay but not my fault.

I live with someone who's cousin forged my name on a check to pay off her damned cell phone...
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I was a bit surprised recently when my $48 for SG was recently applied to my bank account. It is May... and my anniversary date is August. I still haven't figured this out if I'm being overcharaged or charged too early yet or something. I have to look into it.
Preop appt is June 14th....boobage is officially comming off now. Thank the gods
What're you reducing to?
f*ckin shyte!
Aside from that, what else is new and interesting?
Well, so far so good although this is still my first week back. There are litterally hundreds of choices for an eligible trucker such as myself... but despite a few major disadvantages (such as they wont let my bring my cat in their truck) I came back to them after a year away because they treat me right. In 2004 I made mid 50's and there's no particular reason I can't do that again. Their pay per mile is a few cents less than some of the competition, but they have consistent work and their super maintenance keeps my downtime to an absolute minimal. But beyond that, they treat me like family. The people in the office and the garage know me by name. I can talk to the owner's sons about anything I might have a problem with. Things like that really count for a lot.

Plus many big companies save the high-mile trips for their teams only. I run solo and routinely get weekend trips in the 1500 mile range (like my current trek to El Paso). That also means I'll be spending at least 3 days getting BACK from here too and it's certainly difficult to complain about that.

There are bad days too. Shitty trips to New Jersey. Shippers that take all fucking day to re-load my truck forcing me to work dead tired half the night running across the super dangerous PA turnpike. But it all balances out.
My major project lately has been this:


My head is swimming with links and codes and other shyte too.

I'm not sposed to fully launch this site until Friday but I'm giving sneak peaks to everyone who reads my journal here : )
Pretty interesting. I'm going to check it out more closely later tonight.

I'm coming to a decision regarding the job. I'll update tomorrow with more thoughts.
I'm making my summer travel plans right now....I plan on visiting three major places this summer. The first being Maryland/DC area. A friend of mine is a photographer and asking for some models to do work with him. Now I don't do much of this but when I do it seems to work pretty well for me. I did some before for a BDSM magazine...
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I've decided I need new eyebrows too...I may have to actually start using that eyebrow pencil in my drawer now.
Thank you so much for your comment on my set! kiss
If I ever get old and turn stupid in my old age someone shoot me please!

I swear some old people are just fuckin ignorant. My dumbass neighbor was outside while I was on the phone today. No big deal right? hmm...don't think so. My dog is running over to her trying to jump up and grab her laundry she is pulling off the line...
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Then again... the people who are "young" once we are "old" might think that we're dressed so old fashioned by that time. Even if it is what we might think of as having been cool. Just speculating. smile

Then again, many young people are pretty damn ignorant also.

But hey, I'm a college dropout so what do I know. wink
Ok so for me it's not so much the "being old" factor but the closed minds I guess.
So I spent pring break with my kiddo at my brothers house. Everyone up there gave me cooties too.

Head feels like it's gonna explode, throbbing stake through my eye feeling, sinuses packed full of snot, chest full of some sort of shit that rattles every time i breathe in. This is crap. Someone give me a plastic bubble to walk around in I can't...
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