happy bloody new year all.
i already started mine off by missing the first day of classes. IDIOT!
my excuse:
i was looking for my nose, i later found it in a loaf of bread.
where might one find a hoola hoop? why? you ask, well, you see i plan on lighting it on fire and jumping through it for shits and giggles...practicing for the next new year's bash.

i am showing you my serious face...okay!
i already started mine off by missing the first day of classes. IDIOT!
my excuse:
i was looking for my nose, i later found it in a loaf of bread.
where might one find a hoola hoop? why? you ask, well, you see i plan on lighting it on fire and jumping through it for shits and giggles...practicing for the next new year's bash.

i am showing you my serious face...okay!

I start on the 22th, that's fucking late. First time I start school after my bday.